Tana Rinpoche’s Teaching, Dharma Activity & Lineage
Your generous donations help to support Tana Dungsey Rinpoche’s activities in the United States including formal teachings, dharma talks, pujas and other dharma events. They also help to support Rinpoche’s humanitarian activity including support for the Tana Monastery in Kollegal, India and in the preservation of the Yelpa Kagyu lineage.
Tana Monks & Monastery in India
Rinpoche’s current heart project is supporting the Tana Monastery in Kollegal, India. These funds support the education, food, clothing, medical, and basic necessities of the 80 monks who have dedicated their lives to becoming profound Buddhist practitioners and teachers for the benefit of humanity.
A relatively small monthly donation can make a big difference in the life of a monastic who relies on the lay community for support!
- $25 a month supports food for one monk
- $35 a month provides food, clothes
- $50 a month pays for food, clothes, medical
- $75 a month provides food, clothes, medical and education for one monk
- $100 a month provides full support for one monk and a donation to the needs of the monastery
Tana Yelpa Foundation is an IRS approved 501C3, Church in the United States. Its EIN with the Internal Revenue service is 37-1830269.